The Dying Fate (The Umbra Chronicles Book 1) Read online

Page 9

  "Denny, I love you so fucking much," I sob, clutching his hands in my own, "Never do something like that ever again. Don't you dare leave me behind. If you would have been dead when I woke up...I wouldn't have made it. You're the only thing holding me together. You're my brother, the other part of my soul."

  Denny nods before wrapping his arms around my waist and dropping his face into my lap. I run my fingers through his hair before reaching my hand into the pocket of my hoodie.

  "Denny, give me your hand," I tell him, lifting his face from my lap.

  When he spies what I have in my open palm, his eyes grow wide. I take the engagement ring, awkwardly separating the wedding band from the set. I slide the thin, shiny band onto his pinky, closing my hand over his. The light catches on the slim wedding ring, making my heart seize within the boundaries of my chest.

  "Henry loved both of us, each in his own way. This is the last thing I have left of him and I want to share it with you. If that ring is on your finger, we are bound to each other. No matter what comes in life...we do it together." I tell him before leaning in to press my lips to his unshaven cheek.

  This man across from me holds what’s left of my heart in his hands. He’s the only person in my life who shares the same heartbreak and grief I do. I would have never in a million years expected the gangly, gap-toothed little boy who first approached me in kindergarten to be this important to me, but he’s the only good thing in my life right now.

  "I'm with you for life, Macy. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for my fuck ups. I love you so much. I'll make this up to you somehow...some way," he whispers before wrapping his arms around me.

  "I love you too, Denny. Now, let’s get out of here. You owe me a drink for what you just put me through...."

  I take grasp of Denny’s had and lead him out of the large rustic office. The moment he opens the door, the scent of cheap booze makes my eyes water. Hank spies us leaving the room and excuses himself from the bar to come check on us.

  "Are we feeling better?" Hank asks with a wary look between my and Denny's tear stained faces. I give him a gentle nod before shocking myself as I wrap my arm around his waist.

  He freezes beneath my touch for a moment before smoothing his hands up and down my back. I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust this man with my very life. It's not a feeling that I'm used to, but I feel as though it's something that I need right now.

  "What would you like to drink?" Denny asks, his hand touching my arm.

  "Just a beer if that's not too much trouble," I sigh before pulling away from Hank's touch.

  Denny nods before walking over to the bar, grabbing a bottle from the cooler. He's at my side a moment later, the shiny ring on his pinky glittering as he places the drink in my hand. I lean forward and press my face to his chest for a moment before taking a large swallow of the bitter fluid. Hank pulls Denny away for a moment, probably to make sure we're both okay.

  I glance around the bar, noticing Sebastian cleaning a booth, his eyes darting between me and Denny. I give him a small smile and he waves before returning to his work. It's a slow night, but it's still early. I'm sure the place will be packed before too long. Sebastian returns to the bar, sharing a few words with Denny who walks over to me.

  "Hey, Seb needs some help prepping the bar before the rush. Are you going to be alright?" he asks.

  "Of course, I've pulled you from work for long enough. I'm going to find a dark corner and nurse this beer. I'll find you if I need anything," I tell him before pulling him in for a tight hug, "I love you, Denny."

  "I love you too," he whispers, kissing the top of my head.

  I decide to sit at the booth Sebastian was cleaning and curl myself as close to the wall as I can. I wrap my arm around my knee and lean my face against my mangled stump. The few patrons occasionally glance at me and quickly look away when I notice them staring at my arm. I drag my sleeve down to cover the scars and bury my face into the fabric. I try to ignore the people staring at me, but something about their gazes make me feel uncomfortable.

  I pull the ring from my pocket, my fingertips running across the diamonds along its surface. The grief that once consumed my heart seems a bit lighter now. I don't know if it's because of Denny's confession or the fact that I've finally moved on to the final stages, but it's as if I'm finally taking the first deep breath in months. I know I can move on, but I have no intentions of finding someone else. If it happens, it happens.

  My thoughts flow to the man who owns the place. I can't understand the connection we had that night. When he touched felt as though I'd stuck my tongue to a battery. It was so odd...but it was also satisfying. It's just got to be the woman in me, but I felt a connection with him. It's not like I would have a chance in hell with a man like him. But, it's nice to know that I'm not completely broken.

  My eyes travel to the people surrounding me. I've been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice everyone filling the bar around me. I feel like I'm nearly drowning when I notice every table filled and all of the people packed at the bar. I haven't seen the bar this full since coming here and everyone I know is busy filling drink orders while I have a miniature panic attack. I wave my hand, getting Denny's attention and motion to the door. He gives me a nod of acknowledgement before I walk to the door and escape into the warm night air.

  I wrap my arm around myself as I walk to the corner of the building. The night air is wet with humidity and the heat makes my skin sticky immediately, but I try my best to ignore it. I rub my hand up and down my mangled arm as I watch the people who surround me from the corner of my eyes. They're dressed for a Friday night, that's for sure. The men are dressed in coats and classy slacks which look too formal for a night at the bar. The women on the other hand, they're dressed in skimpy dresses with so much makeup plastered to their faces that they look like mannequins.

  I feel under dressed and out of place. My hair's in a tangled, messy bun on the top of my head. My ripped leggings and oversized hoodie are a far cry from the slutty-chic clothes the other women are wearing. I feel a sudden need to get away. A group of people are entering the bar and I know the gang will be too busy to notice I'm gone. I'll give them a call in a while to let them know I've gone home and apologize for leaving so suddenly. I just can’t help the feeling of being out of place anymore.

  My feet carry me down the street and my eyes stare at the toes of my sneakers. I look up to see the dim streetlights that light the way home. The dirt road beneath my feet crunches with every step and I take a deep breath, digging into my pocket. I pull the ring out and stare at the rose gold band covered with sparkling diamonds. When did Henry buy this?

  I awkwardly place it on my ring finger and stare at my hand as I take a moment to rest. The cool band feels right as it sits on my finger, glimmering in the moonlight. It's so surreal when I think of the fact that if things had been different.... But, there's no changing fate. You can't bargain with God.

  I know that I should learn to forgive myself. Being only a part of a person should be a punishment within itself. I decide, the moment I get home that I will begin anew. If only I could tell him how much I missed him. I can't remember a life without Henry and I'm not that interested in trying.

  I look up into the night sky. The full moon's hanging bright in the darkness, scattered clouds cast throughout the heavens.

  "Henry, I love you," I whisper into the night air, "I'll always love you, which I'm sure you know wherever you are. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I will always carry you in my heart."

  Tears begin to fall down my face and I take a deep breath to prepare myself for the words that I'm finally ready to say out loud.

  "I hope you enjoy where you are right now, because I sure do miss you a lot. We will meet again one day, I'm sure of it. I'm sorry that you died, because right now I wish it had been me. You were always the strong one, so this would have been so much easier for you. Henry...goodbye my love," I say, whis
pering the last words.

  I turn my attention back to the dirt road before me and wipe the tears from my face. An unnatural calm passes over me as I take the next few steps and I feel as though the last bit of grief weighing me down has been freed. Tomorrow will be a better day. I'll wake up early and Denny and I will pack up the rest of Henry's things. Maybe I'll even take some flowers to his grave.

  A sudden chill traces down my spine and I stop walking. I turn my face to take in my surroundings, but nothing's out of place. Maybe I'm just imagining things. Exhaustion can do that to a person.

  I continue walking through the dark road, the only sound being the echo of my shoes against the soil and gravel. I can't seem to shake the wary feeling passing over me and pause from time to time to glance behind me. I swear, it feels as though someone's watching me.

  I'm almost off the dirt road, the bright lights of the busy main street visible before me. I pass underneath an amber nightlight, my shadow cast before me and stop to look behind me one last time before walking out onto the main street.

  My world's turned upside down as something tackles me from behind. My head hits the dirt with a heavy thump and I choke out a strangled scream. My shoulder feels as if it's being torn from my body. Fiery hot agony radiates through my body, starting at my shoulder, flowing through my veins.

  I let out a bloodcurdling scream and try to pull away from my attacker. My whole body's alight with a fire that comes from within. My old friend, darkness, is coming for me yet again. As it claims me, I hear the sharp sound of growls and snarls over my body. A deep, haunting howl breaks the silence of the night, beckoning nightmares that follow me into the abyss.

  Chapter Nine

  Macy?" a voice calls, pulling me from the darkness suffocating my mind.

  I lift my head from the ground, my head spinning with even the slightest movement. The light from a flashlight nearly fries my corneas and I have to blink back tears as I attempt to focus on the blurry figure before me. A sharp pain shoots through my shoulder and a whimper passes my lips as I raise my hand to the wound.

  "Holy shit, Macy!" Hank growls before dropping to his knees beside me, "Are you okay?"

  "Hank...." I croak, my throat raw. It feels as though I've swallowed a bucket full of sand.

  "Jesus Christ, what happened to you?" he curses, dropping onto his knees at my side.

  I shake my head, trying to remember what happened. I can't recall much before passing out. Something hit me hard from behind and I fell. That's all that comes to mind. Hell, with my luck, someone must have hit me with their car. It would make sense with how much my body aches right now....

  "I don't know," I hiss as I attempt to sit up. My mangled arm protests with every movement and I can feel small scrapes and bruises across my entire body.

  "Here, let me look at you," Hank tells me as he helps me sit upright. He puts his flashlight into his mouth as his hands poke and prod at me. A growl of pain escapes me as he touches my forehead. He mutters a curse around the item in his mouth before pulling his hand away, his fingers covered with blood.

  "Christ," he curses, dropping the flashlight into his lap before pulling the collar of my hoodie aside. I look down and gasp. There's so much blood. It covers the front of my body with a bold, crimson stain. He presses his hand to my shoulder and I try to control a strangled cry of pain.

  "Is it bad?" I ask, my teeth grinding together as he pushes against my sensitive flesh.

  "It might depend on what you define as bad," he whispers, his fingers continuing to press against the wound, "I'm not going to lie though. This isn't good...."

  "What do you mean?" I whimper, my vision growing fuzzy.

  "You've lost a lot of blood," he informs me, "But that's not it...."

  I can't hear anything else he says. My eyes roll into the back of my head and I slump against his chest before my vision grows dark and I disappear back into darkness....


  I open my eyes and stop breathing. I'm staring at a chest. A breathtakingly perfect male chest to be exact. I look up, my eyes growing wide as I stare into the face of Denny's boss, Elliot.

  He's looking ahead, completely oblivious to the fact that I'm staring at him. The angles of his face are smooth and seamless, covered by an expertly trimmed beard the color of honey. His eyes glance around the room as his mouth moves, speaking to someone. They're unearthly bright and the color of a frozen sea. The lights in the room glimmer in their depths and I'm completely lost in them. I can't make myself look away.

  His eyes are even brighter as he looks down to me, stunning me into petrification. I can't breathe when he's looking at me. He gazes into my eyes, the corners wrinkling slightly as he gives me a gentle smile. My heart flutters within my chest as we simply stare at each other.

  Chestnut colored hair frames his face in gentle waves, falling down his shoulders to tickle my bare shoulder pressed against his equally bare chest. I notice the familiar electrical shocks running up and down my body. How strange....

  He reaches out to touch the side of my face, pushing a few stray hairs from my cheek as his fingers trace the shape of my brow. His touch is as soft as cotton and gentle as a feather as he brushes his hand down my jaw. My eyes dart down to his lips that turn upright, causing a smile to spread to his entire face. Shallow dimples appear along his cheeks, making my heartbeat hammer within my chest.

  "Hello, Sunshine," he whispers, his face only a hands width from my own. I can't speak with him this close to me, but I can't make myself move either. God, what do I do?

  "It's good to see you conscious at last, " Hank says, finally giving me reason to look away from Elliot.

  My eyes glance across the room, landing on Hank and Denny sitting on the couch across from us. It takes me a moment to realize that I'm cuddled up to Elliot, who's shirtless, in a large bed draped with satin sheets. The look on Denny's face is a cross of disbelief and awe. The daggers he's currently shooting at the man whose arms are wrapped around me don't go unnoticed.

  What the hell happened to me? I remember Hank finding me on the road, but nothing before that. It's like my mind has completely erased any memories after the moment I went to step onto the main road. Why are they looking at me as though I've grown a second head?

  "Where am I?" I ask, looking around the large room, appreciating the elegance of it.

  Several tapestries are hung throughout the room, accentuating the dark, almost black furniture pushed against the charcoal colored walls. The sheets draped across my body are a dark, almost black satin that makes me feel as though I'm laying among clouds. Whoever owns this place is definitely male, one with impeccable taste at that.

  "You're in my house, in my bed," Elliot whispers from above me, causing my heart to skip a beat.

  "Oh...." I wheeze, my lip trapped between my teeth as my mind spins out of control.

  "Macy, you scared us to death!" Hank says, drawing my attention. I still don't understand....

  "At least you knew what was going on!" Denny snarls, making me tilt my head at my friend. His fingers dig into the skin at his knees, the pale, gold band still shining upon his pinky.

  "What happened?" I croak, barely recognizing my own voice. Elliot, whose lap I'm still in taps my shoulder, a glass of water in his hand. I take it from him, draining the glass quickly.

  "Macy-" Denny says, but Hank covers his hand before he can say anything else.

  "Macy, we have something we need to tell you...." Hank says, his palms flat against his knees. I don't like this. What are they hiding?

  Elliot clears his throat and stands with me in his arms before depositing me back onto the bed. I can't help a small cry of despair that passes my lips and I watch Denny's jaw clench. The electrical pulses flowing through my body disappear, leaving me with an empty feeling inside. What the hell is going on?

  Elliot pulls the sheets up to my chin and I can't keep my eyes off him. His muscles move in perfect synchronicity with each other as he grabs a
shirt that's been discarded on the back of the headboard and pulls it on over his perfectly sculpted chest. His upper body is covered in several dozen, puckered scars and it makes my heart ache as I think of how much he's been hurt.

  "Macy, what do you remember?" Hank asks me, drawing my attention from the perfect male specimen before me.

  "I was hanging out at the bar. It got so busy and I wanted to step out for some air. After a few minutes, I decided to walk home. I'm sorry, Denny, I just needed some time to myself," I add, noticing the dark look that appears on my friend’s face, "I was walking home, about to walk onto the main road when...."

  I slap my hand to my mouth, the memories flooding to me. I remember the feeling of something watching me. The flood of pain that completely overtook my body as something tackled me from behind.... I remember the snarls and growls that gripped my body in terror. God, the howl that sounded off in the night....

  "It's okay," Elliot coos before wrapping his arms around my shoulders. His thigh presses against mine and I can't ignore the tiny pinpricks which travel across each inch of my body that he's touching. I watch his face turn serious as he turns to Hank. He clears his throat before giving me a worried glance.

  "Macy, do you remember what happened?" Hank asks, his eyes darting between me and the man at my side. They share a look, making me feel as though I'm missing out on something....

  "I was attacked. Something bit me...." I whimper, wrapping my arms around myself. A shiver runs down my spine as the night replays in my mind, time after time.

  "Macy, you were bitten. But, it wasn't by a normal animal...." Elliot tells me, making my heart stall inside my chest.

  I pull away from Elliot, my left hand touching my neck which is covered with a layer of thick gauze. The pain is more bearable now than it was when Hank had been poking and prodding. How long have I been asleep? And what the hell did he mean by 'not a normal animal'?

  "What's going on?" I whimper, pulling myself into the corner of the bed, away from the man who sets my body aflame, "Did it have rabies or something? What the hell aren't you telling me?"